Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Night Fairy

The Night Fairy is a book i just finished.  I do not care for books a lot but this book suddenly caught my attention! I have to write a book report for school and I first chose harry potter and the goblet of fire.  And then, ever since i have read this book i have wanted to change my book report book. So i wrote about The Night Fairy. And here it is:

 The Night Fairy is written by Laura and Amy Schlitz in 2010, Illustrated by Angela Berrit. I am sure you can get it at any book store or barrow the book from the Library.  I got my copy from the Library.

This story is about a fairy called Flory.  How ever this story is not true, it is fiction.  In this story Flory's wings get bitten off by a bat (on accident) and she gets lost in a Giantess's Garden.  Giantess in this story means Humans.  She lives in a Bird House and meets two friends, Skiggle, a squirrel, and a humming bird.  The one thing you need to know about Skiggle is that Skiggle is a Hungry Skiggle and he will eat any thing!!  The humming bird is very selfish and she does not really acknowledge Flory as much as Skiggle does. 

 My favorite part of this book is when Flory The Fairy needs to ride on Skiggle.  She bribes him in letting her ride on him.  She bribes him with food.  Of Course because he is a hungry Skiggle!  What kind of food does she bribe him with?  What is the whole story about? Find out when you read the book!

                                                         Emma Ward.

I hope you like this book and share the joy in reading it like i did. Here is a link to
the book:  The Night Fairy


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