Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Jokes of this house

Caitlyn, My sister is a very good joker :) Witch means she makes up jokes that are very funny!
My dad also is a good joker and he made a joke to!
Here are the jokes:

Q: What did the cool guy say to his dad when he "tooted?"
A:  "Too-tally" cool man!

That was awesome and it sounds a lot more funny when some one says it.
Now this is my dads joke!
He based it of the joke that was already made.
Maybe you know it but maybe not. So i am going to say the whole joke!

Some one Farts.

"Pooh What stinks?!"

"He who smelt it delt it!"

"He who said the Rime did the crime!"

This is the one dad made up!

"He who thinks he is a poet, out of his butt did blow it!"

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