Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School! :(

Today for school we went to a home school program. It was fun although it requires a lot of memorization! We learn a lot of things History Science and of course: Math.At school the kids (my age) are all into SILLY BANZ! One kids even has 110! I just got started on the whole thing and I have already 56. You can bye them basically any where! I usually bye them at Target but they have them at Clair's and Hallmark and lots of other places Cub to. Silly Banz are lots of fun but a lot of the people who bye them don't care what the price is! I even heard that there is a 500 pack at Target over bye the place where the base ball cards are! WOW that is amazing i don't think that i would want that many! Even if I LOVED them  more then I do right know!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Little Brother!

I really hope that he grows up to be my very own special brother and the older he gets the handsomer her gets!~
and he will always be MINE!~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thats What Friends Are For!~

 This is me and my three of my other friends!~
At a wedding! I like it because it shows that we are in a circle of friendship together!~

Little Baby!

                                                         This is my little sis!~
                                         The older she gets the cuter she gets!~